Archive for the ‘dumbasses’ Category

who the fuck is Tom Tebow? (religiorant)   Leave a comment

DENVER (CBS Denver) — Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow is not the only one who thinks God helps him on the football field.

According to a national telephone survey conducted by Poll Position, 43 percent of people believe that “divine intervention” is responsible for his success compared to 42 percent of people surveyed who think that God has nothing to do with Tebow winning.
— from Poll Finds 43 Percent Of People Believe God Helps Tebow Win

i am certain that 43% is not reflective of the true extent of this problem in the USA as i suspect that people would not say “yes, god helps Tebow” if they were fans of other football teams or didn’t like football at all, so i expect that this *facepalm* attitude to faith to be much more prevalent – perhaps even as many as 99% of US christians have their religion so wrong that according to their rule book, there is no way they are going to this heaven of theirs..

christians don’t carry on like this in Australia anywhere near as much as the USA – idiot christians getting their religion wrong seem to be few and far between over here and the religious majority usually deal with them anyway – in my experience, a non-believer rarely needs to be the one to tell fundamentalist christian idiots to “pull their head in” over here

the problem i have with prayer is that people are praying for trivial things that they want or get… seriously? .. a football game? finding your keys? not missing the bus? .. come on people, such trivialities? … i always thought that prayer was supposed to be reserved for being thankful for very personal stuff like you and your family’s health and/or for the food in front of you – maybe it’s me that is the idiot?

maybe Tebow is praying that he is grateful his leg didn’t fall off? i could accept that, but regardless, he does this prayer bullcrap in front of thousands of people, this is blatantly showing off that you are a believer to win the favour of the masses – to add insult to injury, this Jesus guy even taught that you should *not* do exactly what this Tebow clown is doing in Mathew 6:5, the specific purpose of which was to teach that you should not show off that you are a believer as it makes others like/love/respect/trust you for doing some trivial thing

Jesus loves me, and I don’t care … (religiorant)   Leave a comment

religion is stupid, we know this because we often laugh at others who don’t fit in and who stick out like a sore thumb, or at the very least, we raise our eyebrows in bewilderment at people who are different to us. Like those people who dress up and mimic their heroes at movies (Star Wars movie premiers and Rocky Horror reruns etc) and fan conferences (Star Trek conventions) and those medieval weekends (Renaissance Festivals) where people dress up like they did in the middle ages and other time periods.

That’s what religion is, except people do it as part of their *real*lives*, like nutters who plunge into their full blown rants about how “Jesus is LORD” and how they praise god and how you just need to believe in Jesus or Allah or the Space Monkeys from Alpha Cygni 3 – and those nutters think that behaving like that is somehow acceptable…

Religion is just a place where people “dress up” and pretend to be “good” when the fact of the matter is, they would probably have been “good” people *anyway*, even without all the religious mumbo jumbo. In fact, they probably would be better people if not for religion.

And you know, people can have their god and their religion, that’s all okay and fine by me… but if you are going to try and spread your bullshit, you should be prepared to defend your bullshit as well if you are going to shove them in my face.


I don’t care about religion in much the same way that I don’t care about cigarette smoke, that is to say that i don’t care about it until it’s in my face when I’m trying to breathe. ie. I should not have to tell you to keep your smoke away from me, so when I turn around and give you a dirty look, don’t fucking stand there like a dumbarse with a look on your face that says “what did I do?” when you know damn fucking well that I’m turning blue in the face from not being able to breathe!

The point being, no matter how much you think your cultural or spiritual or personal habits do not seem to be bothering any of the dozens of other people directly around you, you should take it as a given that *somebody* does not like having to put up with you being an arrogant dick with your stupid fantasy bullshit, and that you should know damn fucking well that it is likely to be making other people uncomfortable and the reason why you put forward your religion all the time is to intimidate people, in the name of god (aka .. your ego) – and if you don’t realise your religion could possibly be making others uncomfortable then you are probably one of the people that can’t understand why atheists “rail” against religion ….

The only reason most people get away with being a prick with their religion, or any of their other selfish habits for that matter, is because most people are too polite to tell you to pull your fucking head in.

Religion is the “fad” that has hit critical mass where people are so used to having it around, they don’t bother telling idiotic religiotards to stop being stupid.

(UPDATE 1/11/2011: although I will concede a resurgence of christians telling christian-religiotards to put a sock in it, but only from Australian christians though, and given the sheer volume of content from the USA I am exposed to – I find US christians to be abysmally lacking in the department of “moderate” christians telling the religiously ridiculous to shut the fuck up. Instead, however, in the USA I have noticed a trend that by the time people are ready to be openly critical of christians, they have stopped calling themselves christians altogether and now refer to themselves as atheists)

And the end result of a fad that has hit critical mass is that your fad allows adults to embarrass themselves.

Religion is what it would be like if a Star Trek convention had so many people attend that the perimeter of people participating escaped the confines of the convention center and can now live on its own because it now has so many people doing Star Trek things that a feedback loop of Trekkerisms amongst the general population keeps the stories alive such that after a few decades, not many people realise that Star Trek was just a TV show.

Imagine if everyone based their morality on Star Trek? As well having *everyone* say things like “beam me up” and “Engage, Mr Crusher!” and everyone thought that wearing red shirts was bad luck and that the most popular drink was “Tea, Earl Grey. Hot” and every little girl wanted to be a communications officer like Uhura; and somehow Tiberius was a top ten ranking name for boys and people walked around giving praise to “The Picard”, just to name a few Trekkerisms?

Not saying that any of these things are bad, but the point is, what if people went around living in this Star Trek inspired society, but hadn’t even seen a single episode of it?

That is what religion is to most religious people, yeah sure people like Captain Picard or Captain Kirk or Spock or Jesus, but if you didn’t even watch the show, let alone actually enjoyed the message that it sends – Star Trek, especially Next Generation, set a very strong example of good morality in my opinion – then how can you really be a Trekker?

If you’d never seen an episode, then how could you possibly understand the message of morality that Star Trek sent? All you have is some weird fad that many people have been conditioned into liking and yet those people generally have no idea that the whole thing is just fantasy, which leads to “apologist” explanations as to why we are not flying around space right now like “we have forgotten how to fly in space and we now live in a ‘simpler’ time” ….



But this whole us v them thing between non-believers and believers?

well, it is like the non-believing geeks trying to out-do the believing jocks at being popular …. you’ve probably seen Revenge of the Nerds, right?

it’s no wonder atheism is becoming a “religion”, it’s prudent for it to become such a thing, simply because the religious are too fucking stupid to understand the concept of *not* believing in “something”, to be able to understand how to reject it properly….

That’s right..

it may just be inevitable that atheism will dumb down its own “brand-name” due to people joining its ranks that need to readily identify with something in order for them to identify with ie. atheism lacks a *thing* that people can latch onto , which in turn would allow the religionuts to be “defeated” by something that they themselves can embrace.

This is happening already, with all the different “flavours” of atheism. “New Atheism” – “Militant Atheism” – “Christian Atheism” “Agnostic Atheism” … yes … christian atheism…. ahem … oh well … whatever makes you happy, I guess 😀

I think all these new groups of atheists may very well be people who have recently become atheists and have dumped their religion, but they still need to find something to rally around mentally. “Religion: without the supernatural calories“, perhaps? ..

It’s kind of like ice cream, a lot of people would not bother to have an ice cream if it was just plain vanilla ice cream. That is to say that, atheism, by itself, just isn’t shiny enough to stand on its own to grab the mind of a potential atheist. Which isn’t surprising really, because you have to bring your own knowledge and understanding to the atheism party, which might explain why people stick with their religion, at least it is something they can understand, even if they do have it wrong, if it is wrong, beliefs in god cant readily be thrown away as the existence of a god creature cant readily be excluded – eg. for me it is entirely possible this god creature made a blank empty infinite realm of nothingness and over a trillions to the power of trillions of years, this realm of nothingness has spawned billions of universes, all via the natural laws of the vast nothingness.

But for me, I can’t see why it is not enough to just support your country or the planet you live on, religion is grasping for straws that can’t be rejected because of how high and mighty it makes you feel, which in turn, will keep dividing us.


Think of it this way: Imagine that in two thousand years, this time “Star Wars” is a big religion and there are all different factions of it (just like christianity has different sects and cults) with constant arguments over how The Force works, or whether Han drew first or not, or how Jabba the Hutt spells his name … and don’t think that is not possible, I’ve had a christian phundie go ballistic at me when I corrected him for incorrectly spelling Jabba’s name “Jabba the Hut” with only the one “t” in “Hutt”.

Seriously, you are better off explaining evolutionary theory or stellar nucleosynthesis to your pet cat than you are trying to explain science to a creationist. At least your pet would love you just for the attention you give it.

Instead of wasting your intellect upon people who are willingly intellectually challenged with their “god did it” mantras, non-believers should apply their intellect towards undermining what the believer is touting.

That’s right.. I’m saying that atheists using science and logic against the trivial aspects of the believers’ religion is like shooting fish in a barrel.

So instead of the non-believer trying to defend their position with science and logic, the non-believer should make the believer *defend* their application of *their* religion. If your position is so strong, why bother defending it if your opponent can’t grasp what you are saying?

ie. don’t try to explain how your science and logic are correct, try to explain how they have their religion wrong.

and I don’t mean “wrong” in the sense of how they believe in the lame crap like Noah’s ark and Adam and Eve and any of those other entirely unbelievably wrong stories; I mean in the regard that believers have missed the entire point of their religion.

So stop this “my position is better than your position” bullshit crap against each other – change tact – scrutinise the believer for *not* actually following what their precious religion says to do.

And in the case of christianity: Jesus taught that to get into heaven you need to give to the needy, in three gospels, so exactly who thinks they are going to get into heaven, when they have not done a single thing that would get them into heaven?

The fact that there is poverty in the world is irrefutable evidence that the Jesus from the bible does NOT exist. Either that or believers flatly refuse to “love thy neighbour” or are totally oblivious to what their precious Messiah actually and supposedly taught them.

Remember, “christian” means “christ-like” , well, it’s supposed to, so if you want to say you are christian, then I expect you to *be* christian, and being a christian means you give to the needy, and if there are needy people in this world, then that means that there are christians that aren’t doing what they need to be doing to get into heaven! So if there are needy people, then that means christians are not taking the whole give to the needy so they are not going to this heaven, even if it does exist.

Being a christian is impossible, if the non-believer is so inclined to argue about religion with the religidiculous, then hit them where it hurts the most, point out all the crap that people are doing but aren’t supposed to do, or worse still, point out all the good things they are *not* doing.

Have a look at how hard it is to be a christian:

* You can’t be judgemental. (Mat 7:1) * You have to sell all your stuff and give all that money to the needy (if you want to go to heaven that is). (Luke 18:22
Mark 10:21 Mat 19:21) * You can’t brag about being a believer. (Mat 6:5) * You can’t brag about being generous. (Mat 6:1) * you can’t commit idolatry or adultery. (ten commandments) * You can’t lie. * You can’t steal. * you can’t pray in public (Mat 6:6) * You can’t lust after your neighbour’s possessions or their partner. * You can’t know who the anti-christ is. * You don’t know when Jesus Christ will return and blah blah blah blah

Our entire society is judgemental – greed is rampant – “christians” insist on telling us they are christian all the fucking time – the point being is that it is a very long list of things that you can call-out the believer on, without even going anywhere near science and logic.

You will get your message across faster if you argue on their level. And it doesn’t hurt to speak to christians as if their stories are true.

Imagine arguing with your cat. You can speak to your blue in the face, but your cat can not possibly grasp any scientific notions and logical reasoning on a complex level, so why bother? If you want to argue with a cat, you need to speak its language. But since felinese is quite the difficult language to master, just meowing at your cat, even if you don’t know the meaning, will be sufficient communications with your cat, since it would probably ignore everything you had to say anyway.


well, so fucking what if he is? keep that religious shit to yourself.

let me say it again, the entire point of Jesus and his christianity (which was allegedly called “The Way” back in his time) was to teach people to be nice to each other, to teach them to be “good” people, right?

so how the fuck does Jesus being LORD make you a good person?

it does not and it *can* not make you a good person, because only *you* can make you a good person or not.

* Just saying “Praise Jesus” or some other neat little phrase doesn’t make you a good person. * Saying a prayer every night doesn’t make you a good person. * Trying to preach the gospel doesn’t make you a good person. * Trying to spread the word, does not make you a good person. * Telling people they are going to hell does not make you a good person, in fact that last one, well, it makes you fucktarded.

That is what Free Will is all about, the one thing we do get to control in life, is whether we are good or evil. You can choose to be a dick or not. You can choose do nothing or do something, and doing nothing, can quite often be the most evil thing to (not) do.

Only the good example you set via your actions can make you are a good person, and even then, it’s not you that gets to declare whether you are a good person or not, anyway.

Which leads to the point of why the religious should keep their religious views to themselves.

It is only other people that get to decide whether you are worthy of this label that you “christians” choose to bestow upon yourself. You don’t get to declare yourself to be like Jesus Christ by simply declaring that you are christian…

Call yourself a christian or a muslim or whatever other religious cult you feel like if you want to, but if you don’t live up to the good qualities that those belief systems supposedly project, then you are better off not mentioning that you are religious at all, and that includes not getting upset when your religious values are offended, especially when the central message of your religion is one of peace and tolerance, and how you supposedly forgive those that trespass against you, right?

So if you say to me that Jesus is LORD, I will consider your statement to be *bragging* that you believe in Jesus and bragging that you believe in Jesus is bragging that you are christian and bragging that you are christian is bragging that you are a good person and bragging that you are a good person, automatically makes me *doubt* your sincerity about being a good person because **nothing** you believe in makes you a good person, how can it?

Your actions define whether you are good or not, so saying that you follow some religion, doesn’t make you a good person, *ever*.

eg. Bragging that Jesus Christ is LORD doesn’t make you a good person any more than knowing that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared, makes you smart.

What does it even *mean* that Jesus Christ is LORD? *show* me how that makes you a good person!!!

This is the basis of why people should avoid committing idolatry, because what you say and what you do are TWO different things. eg. if you say you are a good person, that means nothing, but if you actually do good things, then that makes you a good person so if you go around saying that you are a good christian when clearly you are not – then that is idolatry because you are worshiping a false Jesus. (why this is idolatry is elaborated upon below at *** )


Just saying that someone needs to believe in Jesus is idolatry, because just believing in Jesus, like I have said repeatedly here, doesn’t make you a good person, because being a good person is what Jesus wanted you to *do*, if we are to believe the point of the stories in the bible.

I know this will sound utterly ridiculous, but you have to *BE* a good person to actually *BE* a good person!! Just saying that you are christian, does not magically make you a good person, and you are fucking up-yourself if you think that it does.

You don’t see me going around acting like I am *better* than everyone else just because I “know” some arbitrary thing, now do you? ie. I know the sun will rise tomorrow, but you don’t see me bragging about it, seeing how it’s such an obvious “fact”, you know, like how your particular version of your god just happens to be a “fact” as well?

Because that is exactly what you are saying when you try to say that you believe in Jesus, you are saying to me that you are better than me because of one little arbitrary thing, and even if you genuinely don’t mean to say that you are better than me by professing that you believe in Christ, then that’s just too fucking bad, because that is how I hear your religious mumbo jumbo anyway.

Christianity has put itself up on a pedestal and somehow that makes you better than those who don’t believe.

This troubles me deeply.

Especially when all “christians” do is talk about how they are christian … that’s not being christian, that’s just *saying* you are christian, these are TWO different things.

And it should be especially noted here that it was the people insisting upon telling me to believe in Jesus, that were the fucktards who put me off believing in Jesus in the first place. I already believed in Jesus, but it was people taking one look at me and assuming that I didn’t believe in Jesus and telling me that I needed him, that broke the back of christianity for me. judge not lest thee be judged yourself much?

Practice what you preach or get the fuck out but at any rate I am glad they did, this way I wasn’t sucked into the whole “Jesus loves everyone” fucking bullshit that nobody *actually* follows – sure they say they follow Jesus … but when push comes to shove – they shove back when they are supposed to sit there and be non-violent.


The way I see religion, is that you are making it out to be such that *you* are making those bible stories out to be true, and further more, you are demanding that other people also believe that these untrue stories be considered as true as well, merely because *you* say they are true.

ahem. who the fuck are you? You are nobody – not one person on this earth can make me believe in anything – sure I might say something, to make you piss-the-fuck-off but I don’t have a problem with lying to people who are demanding that I believe in *their* lies!

That’s what the religious want when they try to convert or pass along their religion, they do not give a fuck about actually spreading the message of good will, they try to spread their religion so as to make it into an affirmation of their own faith. Which is kind of like talking to yourself in the mirror, telling yourself that you are pretty or that you are handsome.

This would be no different to me going around to people’s houses on a Saturday morning telling people that they should “Trust in The Force”. I don’t give a fuck if you believe in The Force or not, the only reason I would be telling people to believe in The Force, is to reinforce my own beliefs of believing in The Force. If I tell someone about The Force, and they accept The Force, then that’s a win for me as it props up my ego. If I tell someone about The Force and the tell me to fuck off, that *also* props up my belief in The Force because I’m so obsessed with it that anybody ragging on it, would just make me even more determined to spread the word about The Force.

Well, that’s how religious nuts come across to me. They aren’t following what Jesus taught, so clearly they only spread the word to reinforce their own beliefs. Kind of like those people that love to hear themselves talk. I’m a pretty-girl/handsome-boy – kind of like a parrot.

You may think that what you believe in is true, but this does not make it so. The bible is a story and therefore it is a *lie*, and while it may not be a lie in the sense that it was a lie told with malicious intent, but the point is that Star Wars is also a story and all stories are made up, no matter how good of a story it is.

So even if I believed Star Wars was actually real, nothing gives me the right to even begin to try and sell this story as if it were fact, because as soon as I try to make that story true, when it is not true, then that story then becomes a lie.

therefore: all religion is a lie because of the believers themselves who try to spread their religion.

Q) what do you do if you don’t want your little stories to be considered lies?

A) Don’t fucking try to sell them to me!

The logic is quite simple, and only someone who is willingly ignorant and willingly arrogant would continue to try and “spread the word” once they had been told to take it some place else.

So in the spirit of not putting forward anachronistic stories as “truth”, the religious should keep their religious views to themselves because there is bound to be somebody that doesn’t share those views, or rather, there are bound to be people who don’t share your point of view that might resent your proselytising about being a good christian while at the same time you’re also being a judgemental hypocritical prick of a bastard, not to mention that stating something as fact, when it clearly isn’t – is a *lie* – and that breaks one of those precious ten commandments from that Moses guy, by the way.

The fact of the matter is that *most* people are decent enough at being human beings by default, so being religious makes no difference to being “good”, except that the non-believer doesn’t go around bragging that they believe in some intangible thing that somehow makes them “good” like the religious fucktards do incessantly.

The non-believer is more inclined to be a good person for the sake of being a good person, the non-believer is not compelled to think that doing good is going to see them rewarded with the gift of eternal life in heaven. Remember the Good Samaritan tale, where even the faithful person would not lend a hand to the injured man lying at the side of the road?

The point being is that unless you truly follow what your faith teaches, then it’s best that you not brag about being faithful. So in the case of christians, you’ve got a very difficult task ahead of yourself to actually be considered a christian, so if you are going to brag about being a christian, then I expect you to be very much Christ-like.

I personally don’t call myself christian, because:

*) I can’t refrain from judging people who demand that I accept them as being a good person, when they are clearly *not* good people
*) I don’t help out just any person in need, I am wary of people taking advantage of my generous nature
*) I don’t unconditionally love everyone, especially when people that have proven themselves untrustworthy
*) I’m only forgiving to a certain extent
*) I’m not selfless all the time
*) I don’t turn the other cheek once you have crossed the line
*) I don’t give someone my jacket as well when they demand my coat, especially if they are ungrateful
*) I refuse to love my enemies, if you are my enemy then that is for very good reason
*) I won’t let people hurt me nor let people hurt others and get away with it
*) I am not willing to die to avoid hurting others, especially if they are hurting me.

These qualities are all the opposite of what you would expect to find in Jesus, so I don’t even bother to try and live up to them, therefore: I do not pretend to be christian, because I expect christians to be like Jesus with his “love everyone” mantra.

It’s like bragging that you are smart, but then when somebody asks you a question and you don’t know the answer, you look like a dickhead and say “Oh I’m not smart in *that* field of discussion!!”

Same with bragging about being a christian, unless you are willing to die for me; willing to “love” me even if I try to kill you by nailing you to a cross; unless you forgive me for every heinous act I could possibly enact upon you, then you shouldn’t be bragging that you are a christian.

Not saying that I would do horrible things to you, but it is the principal of the concept. Being christian, means you are supposed to be Christ like. So unless you are willing to go through the same sort of crap as you might have seen in “The Passion” then you shouldn’t be bragging about how much you are like Christ by telling everyone that you are christian…

I think of christians in much the same way one would consider Padawan learners (a Jedi in training), if you are a Padawan, you don’t go around saying you are a Jedi yet and if you do, your Master will remind you that you are still a Padawan and that Jedi are humble. In the same regard, christians should not brag about being christian unless they are truly selfless and Christ-like, and if they were truly selfless and christ-like, then they would never mention that they are christian in the first place, at the very least, it should not be an unsolicited admission. ie. don’t talk about your religion unless you are asked to talk about it, because if you were christian, your christianity should show via your actions.

So if you are going to say that you are christian and tout your views, that’s fine, but one should expect to be challenged when these “christian” views are put forward, because stating something as fact, when it clearly isn’t, is a *lie*, and that breaks one of those precious ten commandments, by the way. Yes I said that already.

believe in whatever you want, but if you believe in something that says “be nice” or “don’t lie”, then I expect you to follow those rules, if you can’t do that, then keep your religion to yourself, because it is rude to pretend that you are a good person.


Believers should be aware that using things to lend credence to their religion is idolatry.

A blatant example that might not be so blatant for those not looking for it could be briefly expressed by the following phrase:

“Just because your god made the universe, that doesn’t automatically make you a good person.”

Let me elaborate upon this:

god making the universe – as grandiose a task as it is to make everything that us mere mortals know about – is a pathetically boring and mundane task for a god. Which might explain our universe if the christian/hebrew/muslim god truly did make it in six days – god had like a gazillion years to make and plan our universe – but it would seem to be a rushed job …. I saw a comic about that recently at Two Leaf Clover …

The point being is that god making the universe is just some arbitrary fact about your god – and a fact is a thing, so if you believe in god because it did this random thing, in this case, making the universe, then you are using that *thing* to prop up your beliefs. You use this thing, this idea you have that god made the universe, to help you believe in god… and many people *do* believe in god in general terms (ie. not just christians) because for their minds their is no way the universe can exist without some higher power being involved at some point in the construction process.

and you know – good for you if you want to believe in that sort of stuff – but if that is *all* you do when you believe in the christian Jesus/god and you aren’t following what your precious messiah said to *do* to get into heaven – then why call yourself a christian or a good person?

What makes you a good person, is actually *being* a good person, and if you claim that following your religion makes you a good person, then you had better show us that you are, otherwise you are bound to be called out on your bullshit.

*** If you can’t show that you are a good person, and yet you claim to follow the Jesus from the bible, then you’ve made up your own Jesus. And clearly, if you have made up your own Jesus, no matter if this Jesus is mostly based on the one from the bible, then you are committing idolatry, because if you follow a Jesus that somehow lets you be a prick some of the time, then that is not the Jesus from the bible, so you are worshiping a false Jesus.. ie. a false god… thou shalt not worship false gods much?

I encountered a very hostile “christian” recently who was nothing but rude and condescending, who would hit-on every female in the discussion forum, and yet he maintained that he was a good christian, simply because he loved his wife.

To that fucktard I would say .. “No, you stupid prick, you do not believe in the Jesus from the bible, you have made up your own version of Jesus that sees you love this one person and yet allows you to be a prick to every one else – *clearly* that is a false Jesus as the JC from the bible said to love everyone, so you are worshiping a false god, and that breaks your precious first commandment”

I didn’t bother actually explaining this to him – as he was clearly far too stupid to understand. But many “christians” act like this. Some try to make up science based on their bible – but if you need real life confirmation of what’s in the bible, then I find your lack of faith … disturbing.

The easiest place to commit idolatry, is right there in your mind – where you can make up your own versions of Jesus that resemble the Christ from the bible, but are clearly not the Jesus from the bible, seeing how much of a prick you are to everyone who doesn’t worship the ground *you* walk on……


I first “rejected” religion in preference to reality when I was very young, it was something to do with dinosaurs, I’m sure, because I had read in the bible, or was told that the bible says that the world was thousands of years old – but then I read about dinosaurs – and dinosaurs weren’t just a few thousand more years older, so the age of the world as indicated by the bible isn’t just a little bit off, dinosaurs are ten thousand *times* older than the bible and its six thousand year “history” had described. In terms of percentages, the Earth’s age according to the bible, is only 0.01% of the time since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. That’s not just a little bit off. That’s a bit like thinking you can launch a rocket into space with a bottle of lighter fluid.

I remember saying to someone at a very young age when talking about dinosaurs “so, that means that the bible is wrong?” and the reply was “pretty much!” … I wonder who that was?

I also remember being in Sunday school once (maybe twice) and the Catholic Sister was telling the class some thing that I thought was utterly hilarious, but before I laughed out loud, I looked around to see who else was laughing… nobody was laughing, they were all paying attention to this bullshit that was being told. I don’t remember going to Sunday school that many times…

Later in life I tried to reconcile that whole bible thing and its six days as meaning six billion years – but I remember not being convinced that I needed to be convinced that religious gods were a fabrication by that stage.

science was just so much more interesting and fascinating than this grandiose god story that seemed to be so full of holes – like Noah’s ark – I remember reading about that in the bible – and that was the end of my bible reading because I went off on a tangent at that point and went looking for corroborating evidence about this “Ark” – I clearly remember watching a documentary “In Search Of… Noah’s Flood narrated by Leonard Nimoy” too, about the search for Noah’s ark … but that set me off on even more quests for knowledge!!!

So Noah and his Ark was just the first hole in the armor broken and I didn’t really bother with christianity/church much from there … but I did learn that “Jesus loves everyone” very early on, but that was pretty much it ….

So basically the only thing I learned was that Jesus loved everyone, so you can imagine just how ticked off that people calling themselves christian did not love everyone. In fact, I’m pretty sure at one stage that I considered christianity and the catholic church to be two different things.

At some stage in my teens I noted that there were multiple churches – and then I read that “my” Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England (Protestants) split up and that many people died in all of this split – so I figured that why would I follow something that the church itself can’t follow? I had also seen Monty Python’s Life of Brian by then so religion became cannon fodder early on as to how stupid it was. I clearly remember cursing people to hell for the most trivial of things for decades – of course I don’t mean it – so as a reflex action, I mock the concept of the often arbitrary definition of “sin” and how that supposedly results in an eternity in hell – my favourite is damn people to hell for interrupting my listening to ABBA.

Then I went through the whole I hate god thing – but god turned out to be my ego and then god died like an imaginary friend that you notice that you don’t believe in any more suddenly one day after fifteen years of not thinking about it! … And by that time my biggest dilemma with god was that I kept saying “god this” and “god that” – so I got around that by considering that every time I used the term “god” – I was referring to the universe. Which I later found out is “pantheism” (god is everything, everything is god) … which is very close to the Jedi and The Force, with its all encompassing energy field that surrounds us and binds the universe together. (our universe’s size is pretty much defined by how far energy radiating from it has traveled, an all encompassing field of energy defines our universe, and as it turns out, our universe is mostly energy)

So now I’m at the “yes religion is stupid, but so what?” stage …

So finally to summarise

When speaking to an overly religious person, who doesn’t really follow their religion in the first place (oxymoron==true), telling them some “thing” about their precious religion is irrelevant – they don’t give a crap about some mundane little part of the story – they don’t even care about the whole point of their religion!!

it’s like saying Star Wars isn’t cool, to a Star Wars “fan” that has never seen any of the movies

“I don’t care what you think about Star Wars, I still like it!” (but has never seen any of the movies)

“I don’t care what you think about Jesus, I still believe in Jesus!” (has not read the bible nor has done anything for the needy)

So belief in a christian god, is merely a crutch, to help you deal with the myriad of complexities in your life.

But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing because beliefs *can* be inspiring, but they can also be detrimental.

So if one is to believe in god, one should actually aspire to the (good) goals represented by this god, but if this god is your own personal god, then feel free to make it *all* up, but if you want to be christian, then there is already a whole bunch of stuff laid out that you need to do in order to call yourself christian …

while i may not believe in a “god”, I believe, or at least, I want to believe, that human science will result in our achieving some measure of immortality for everyone and that we will know a hell of a lot of stuff about the universe if we can stick around for another thousand years, probably enough to get us off this rock and spread across the galaxy – but none of these levels of greatness that humans may achieve will ever mean that god does not exist

how can human achievement ever out do god? if humans can defeat god somehow, then that is because humans didn’t set the bar high enough when they defined this “god” that is suddenly able to be replaced by humans.

while I may not believe that our “spirits” will ascend to some higher plain of existence, I do believe that it is possible that one day our consciousnesses will be transferable to some sort of computing device, giving us a virtual “ascension” into the “network” and as long as the network survives, you will be immortal … who knows, maybe this is how we’ll explore the galaxy, we upload a copy of ourselves to some sort of space probe and we would live our virtual lives roaming the galaxy, perhaps at first setting up communication relay stations here and there about the galaxy.

i also believe that one day, we’ll figure out quantum entanglement too, so those relay stations I just mentioned would be capable of instant communications across light years of space, so not only could you upload yourself to this space probe, you could interact instantaneously back with the “real” you, or in fact you could interact with other copies of yourself, seeing how your real body died tens of thousands of years beforehand.

so in that sense, my belief is also a crutch, because right now, everything that I believe in, is still somewhat based in fantasy. I would guess that most people have beliefs that are warm and fuzzy but not necessarily the complete truth as well.

But for me, without that belief system in place, existence would seem rather pointless, because if we’re just here to go around in fucking circles and “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it” like the religiotards would have us do, then we’re just going to end up killing ourselves whilst competing for resources and if that is the direction where we are most definitely going, then there really *is* no point in existing as your actions in the here and now really *would* be pointless without a hopeful future on the horizon.

Which incidentally, is what the online religidiots (rhymes with village-idiots) tell us anyway: “if we don’t believe in god then our existence is pointless.”

. . . . . .

mostly written…. 24th June 2011, mostly…. most of the blogs I have written of late end up blowing out to almost novel lengths, so I give in … you will have to suffer my long rants if you want to read as I can not be fucked trimming them down to page sized rants any more…

. . . .

generalising about christians? who? moi?.. (religiorant)   Leave a comment

recently, it was speculated that I lump all christians into the “you are a dumbarse” basket…

this is not true, if I were to lump all christians into the dumbarse bucket, I would quite clearly say it with no possible room for misinterpretation of what I meant

ie. If I mean to say that all christians are dumbarses, I would quite explicitly say that “ALL CHRISTIANS ARE DUMBARSES”

and I would probably type it all in upper case as well, just like above, just to make sure that “christians” didn’t miss my message, however, not that I can remember everything i’ve ever said and done, but I strongly doubt that I have said or written such a thing, and if I did the context of what was said would probably be important ….

if I say that christians are dumbarses (or something similar) and someone comes along and thinks that statement applies to *all* christians as some blanket generalisation about every self claimed christian on earth, then that person has gone and read more into what I have said or they have ignored the context of what I have said or they have extrapolated their own meaning from my words.

I consider this to be an offensive assumption, because this person has a) made up something around what I have said and then b) gotten angry at the thing that they have made up and then c) they have then taken out their anger on me… fuck you!

one thing that insecure believers have often read into my words is that i’ve said that god doesn’t exist – this is bullshit – i would have to be god itself to know that god doesn’t exist — so if i do say that god doesn’t exist, you must have missed the rest of what i was saying.

And if you did miss something I said, or chose to ignore what I said, then it is your obligation to ask questions to find out what I actually meant, you know, instead of flying off the handle like some poor little girly skirt that has been blown up about your ears by the wind.

If you don’t ask questions, then keep your offensive assumptions to yourself, because if you invent something to get upset about based on my words, then that is your problem, it’s not my problem if you wish to perpetuate your own ignorance.

If you don’t ask questions, then you are choosing to be ignorant, and that is your fault, and if you get mad at me over something that is your fault, I’m not going to be very nice to you about that something.


I once tried to separate the two “classes” of christians, “regular” and “fucktard” …. ie. I would be careful to use proper politically correct language so as to not offend someone who may by offended over something that I may say ….

but it’s become very apparent after spending several years interacting with “christians” on the internet, that there is no need for me to refrain from explicitly saying that “only some” christians are fucktards, or that “only some” christians are bigots, or that “only some” christians are blah blah blahh blah

Because *why* should I bother?

I don’t hear anywhere near enough “real” christians saying that “ohh not all atheists are bad”, so why should I give a fuck if I generalise when christians don’t give a fuck when they are generalising?

The reason for this is quite simple, and this works in both a positive and a negative way.

If people want to complain that I am generalising the “nice” christians in with the dumbarse christians, then stop right there.

What’s the point in telling me? The *ONLY* way to shut me the fuck up is to make the problem go away, and *I* am most certainly not the problem, so whinging to me, is merely a recipe to inspire me to point out MORE “christians” being fucktards.

And there is also the embarrassment factor of not reading what I’ve written properly, or read what I wrote *AT*ALL* … I’ve seen plenty of people do that too. The amount of times people have gone off at me for saying that their god didn’t exist when I said nothing of the sort, is quite pathetic. On more than a few occasions I have pointed out how crap the bible is and in response I have had exclamations that decry my apparent denouncing that god doesn’t exist. The word “god” doesn’t even appear in the phrase “the bible is a stinking pile of bull shit” and yet stupid fucktarded “christians” suffering from dumbarsitis insist that I have said that god doesn’t exist …


And what sort of fuck does any true believer give over what I have to say about their religion?

paranoid-fucking-much? hmmmm?

All I am doing is pointing out the fucking obvious, my words are not the problem. If you find my words to be a problem, then it is YOU THAT HAS THE PROBLEM, because the ONLY thing you do by telling me not to generalise, is confirm that I AM RIGHT and that all christians *do* deserve to be placed into the same dumbarse bucket as the “Bad christians”.

somebody: “not all christians are FUCKTARDS, you know?”

that’s right, if you feel the need to tell me to take it easy on christians, then don’t bother.

Instead, get off your fat lazy holy arse and go tell the fucktarded christians to pull their fucking heads in yourself, either that, or don’t whinge to me for trying to clean up your fucking abomination of a religion.

all you achieve by telling me to take it easy on christians is to inspire me to do go and do that more often, and louder, and to top off all of this: any *true* christian would forgive me for any offence I caused them with my generalisations towards them, in the first place, not that I have seen hide nor hair of an actual christian in at least a few decades – if *ever* – as my memory isn’t that good.

oh and if you don’t like what I have to say, then GOOD, that’s the point.

written mostly on 9th March 2011 … mostly ….

rattling the faith … (religiorant)   Leave a comment

i have often seemed to have rattled the faith of the religious, with mere words, even *accidentally* at times, even without even trying

and I’ve even seen “christians” getting upset and going on rants at and over atheists for no apparent reason other than because atheists EXIST!

but “why is that a problem?”, you say?

well, it would be fine if these ranting believers were piping up in response to some *specific* thing that they have a problem with ….

but the very fact that atheists exist?

how does one even argue with such a vague point of view when these believers have their faith rattled even before you speak to them? ie. by doing nothing whatsoever, non-believers are able to rattle the faith of the “faithful” …

did you read that?

doing *NOTHING*AT*ALL* is all it takes to upset some people and their religion.

this is a problem, these people choose to willingly be upset over *nothing*

that’s like a little child in the middle of a temper tantrum saying

“look what you made me do!”

I didn’t make you do anything, you still *chose* to react in anger. That was a choice. It was *your* choice.

It was *your* choice to chuck a spaz, I didn’t hold a gun to your head and *make* you have a temper tantrum over your religion and/or your god – you did that all by *yourself* !

so given that doing nothing can upset some of the religious fruit cakes, i try to avoid using any words in every day language (in the first place) that may upset and rattle those stupid fucking religious morons (and just coz ppl are religious it doesn’t instantly make them morons, however, there are religious people who are morons, and that is who i speak about here)

which is ironic – because no matter what the fuck i say about someone’s religion or their faith, even if I’m being deliberately antagonistic, if they feel the need to deem me “wrong” by getting upset in any way shape or form, then they are showing that they are lacking “faith”..

“I find your lack of faith disturbing!”
–Darth Vader

sure I can be offensive and people have the right to be offended at my words, but at least in terms of christianity, they should prove that they truly are *christian* by walking away, or more correctly, they should invite me to think of something more offensive than what I’ve just said and make me hang myself upon my own anger.. “turn the other cheek” and such, right? …

and Muslims are just as bad, they claim to have a religion of peace, so if I were to anger a Muslim, then they can prove that their religion is truly a religion of peace, by walking away no matter what the fuck I say about this piss poor religion of theirs that they think is “peaceful” …

but is that what they do? The fucking riots in the streets of Pakistan in protest of DRAWINGS would seem to indicate that Muslims want anything but peaceful relations with the rest of the world.

Seriously Islam needs to take a chill pill over the whole pictures of Muhammad thing, as they risk bringing the issue to more people’s attention with their whinging about cartoons, which will in turn, show more people just how stupid Islam is – thus leading to more incidents where they will get mocked!

The religious should not wonder why they should keep their religion to themselves.

Islam itself may be peaceful and it very well may just teach peaceful notions in amongst all those verses about smiting at the neck of your enemies (ie. beheadings) and whatever else it says – but there are Muslims that don’t embrace the notion of peace who *DO* enact violence in the name of their religious fantasy – but the other Muslims, ie. the majority, who actually are peaceful do nothing about their extremists and yet they get upset and say “WE’RE NOT ALL TERRORISTS!” – oh is that fucking right? then why doesn’t the majority fucking do something about those extremists?

a lack of objection to the actions of the extremist members of your religion, CONDONES their behaviour..

Like if somebody does something bad in the name of Jesus and every other christian ignores that, that says to me that the christian majority don’t give a rats arse that that someone has done something bad in the name of Jesus BECAUSE THEY FUCKING AGREE WITH THEIR MOTIVES, because if you *disagreed*, would you not say something?

got that?

if you don’t do anything about the problem children in your group, expect other groups to say that your group of people are fucked up, and that is *not* because of this one person and the bad shit they did, but because the rest of you don’t seem to give a fuck about the bad shit they did either.

it’s an extreme case of the “buddy system” – he’s my buddy – so I don’t dob on him, just in case he turns on me and kills me dead while I have my back turned to him, so I’m better off just shutting the fucking hell up, lest I get myself and my whole family killed.. which is exactly what happens in Islam is this day and age and is what happened centuries ago in christianity . How many stories have we heard of someone in an Islamic country standing up to the way their country is being influenced by religion, only to see that they get thrown behind bars, tortured, or even killed for their troubles?


who am I when it comes to a religion??

I’m a nobody in terms of religious faith, I don’t know of gods other than what I’ve read from the little religio-story books and anecdotes – therefore, I don’t *know* religious faith – I don’t know other people’s feelings about their faith – I have no idea!! so how can I, who knows nothing about a person’s faith, rattle that faith??

if you know your enemy’s strategy you can often wear him down with little effort – this is kind of like that, except here you do not even know that you even had an enemy and somehow you can wear down the guy without even knowing that you are wearing him down.

so how the hell can I rattle someone’s “faith”, if they truly have faith???

Someone walks up to you in the street and says your mother is a whore, unless that person *KNOWS* your mother personally, then how would they even know? they are just making up bullshit to try to rile you up!! They are trying to make you bite! This is also called “fishing” or more accurately – “shit stirring”

in the same way, only the people who know how to push your buttons, know how to get you the most upset.

and yet, there are childish religious morons that I can still send flying into flurries of fury, how is that possible if I don’t even know your faith? that would be like some astrophysicist throwing a temper tantrum after being told that the moon was made of cheese.. NO IT’S NOT MAD OF CHESE YOU FUCKING PEACVE OF SHUITE YTOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT SIECNCE U JUST HSUT THE FUCK UOP!!!

If an astrophysicist got upset at somebody’s claim that the moon was made of cheese, would you not have to wonder if that person was only merely saying that they were an astrophysicist??

Perhaps they used to think it was made of cheese as a child, and now they get upset at themselves in retrospect when other people propose the “moon == cheese” idea?

eg. i’ve sometimes said “there is no god” and people have bounced off the walls in anger over that, and yet, when people say “there is a god”, I’m of the opinion that they may be right, they are probably not, but it doesn’t bother me….

if you want to believe in a fantasy to make yourself feel better, then go for it, I’m not stopping you, and I couldn’t even if I wanted to, OH WAIT! IT SEEMS THAT “YES” I CAN!

If you can get upset at anything I say about your precious faith/god, then you are admitting that you don’t really have faith. And if there *really* was a god, I’d be cast into the pits of hell at god’s discretion, not at the whims are idle threats of some bitchy whiny arse pants fucktard religious moron.


when ppl get upset, could it be that the truth hurts? and that people don’t really believe in what they say they believe in? you don’t really believe in something if you need to get upset about someone refuting that thing, right?

getting upset means that your position is weak, or that you are lacking the ability to defend it, and if you can’t defend your position, it indicates your uncertainty about your position.

so given those circumstances above, who is the person with more actual faith (not religiously, but in general terms) in what they believe in?

is it the person who says “DONT YHOU SAY SHI5T ABOIT MY GOD YIOU FILTHY GODF HATER YOUR GOING TO TEHLLLLLL SCUM BSAGH!!!” or is it the person who says “you are entitled to believe what you want, because as long as you not are hurting anybody, I don’t give a fucking rat’s arse what you believe!!!”

well? who has the better position in passing along their thoughts? the person shouting at you, who can’t even type straight, or is it the person calmly having a conversation with you, regardless of them and their fucking vulgar profanity??

in fact, if you feel the need to make any insults at me when I don’t agree with your faith, then you are embarrassing yourself because you should take insults against your faith (or lack thereof, for that matter) in your stride, but clearly, the majority of people purporting to be believers can not do this…

in fact, when a believer insults me, they are in fact insulting themselves more than they insult me, but I doubt these “believers” would realise though… blinders are rather – blinding – especially when you, yourself, have put them into place with super-glue with some catch-all solution called “god”.

If you can have your faith rattled *that* easily, then they should probably keep it to yourself, because announcing that you have faith, especially when nobody was talking about faith to begin with, merely says to me that you don’t have faith.

and in some countries you will get mocked for confessing you have faith.. because you’ve just said something that isn’t dissimilar to an adult saying “I believe in SANTA CLAUS!” .. eg. the last time someone confessed to having “faith” around me, I didn’t get the chance to say anything, as somebody else beat me to it, and he wasn’t even as half as nice as I was going to be about it.

in much the same way, a wise person would never say that they are wise, why would they need to? they don’t need to brag that they are wise, as their actions and words indicate their wisdom, so anybody trying to tell you that they *are* wise, should be considered anything but wise, especially if you don’t know them!

point being, is that if I can rattle the faith of the faithful, then that means that what I am saying is somehow more important than what their god has allegedly taught them, or what I’ve said was beyond their level of understanding of their god, all of which proves that god is completely in the mind of the believer, which clearly makes “faith” and god easily subjected to a person’s emotions, because if a person was truly a believer in god, they would laugh off anything I have to say about their “faith”, at the worst, they should be merely puzzled by my lack of faith in much the same way that I am often dumbfounded by how fucking stupid people of “faith” can be at times.


see, when I have a temper tantrum, there is a specific thing I’m tantruming about, when the religious have a fucking SPAT – they would never be able to put their finger on what is actually bothering them, seeing how god is in their brain, and sticking their fingers in their brain, would probably cause (more) damage…

mostly written 2010-09-09, mostly …

there is no god? (religiorant)   Leave a comment

this was originally to be a comment on Wiggy’s blog, but it was just too long and i like to religiorant…. oh yeah, and I’m sick of jerk-offs getting their butts hurt when I “Offend” them – boo fucking hoo – don’t read if you don’t have a spine (as is the case with all my blogs) … this blog is very disjointed and excessively long and probably has grammar and spelling problems and all of the topics are probably covered in another blog … i probably need to make that a standard disclaimer for all my blogs from now on i think

mostly written 23rd-26th August 2010, mostly…


nobody knows if there is a god, nobody can even define it, so how can we know if god exists or not, if we can’t even come together on its definition?

so, given the lack of a coherent idea between people about the concept of “god”, then isn’t god inherently going to be an entirely illogical concept to begin with?

nobody *knows* shit about god, as knowledge is something that can be demonstrated, eg. I know sun shines coz I can see it in the sky – but when it comes to god, all we have are *feelings* about it and i find it unlikely that any two people could feel exactly the same way about god.

so when two people can’t agree on god, the most prudent thing they need to do, is make sure that they are both talking about the same thing, by defining the parameters of this “god” they are discussing… eg. the christian god, Norse gods, the universe (as in pantheism), Hindu gods, your personal god la la la la

because if you don’t define which god or gods you are talking about, then you’re probably not going to be talking about the same thing.


but defining god is a problem, as those that have tried to define god, have been known to fail quite miserably at the task, look at the Abrahamic religions and their “loving” god and the people who follow those religions, the plethora of different beliefs that have spawned from what is supposedly the same god, is atrociously high in number, pathetic even..

The religious, are supposed to all be on the same page with their beliefs, however they are clearly not as is often demonstrated by their internal disputes as well as their interactions with other religions.

I often have to laugh at christians and muslims when they say that their religion is peaceful, when their own religions have split into factions that fight against each other!

For example: Muslims have the Sunni and Shia “disagreement”, that split happened a few decades after Muhammad died and they have been killing each other since!

These actions give me proof that whatever their religion says and whatever muslims say about their religion, it must be bullshit, because the end result saw muslims killing each other over some disagreement – that is not peaceful so how can we be expected to believe these claims that islam is a peaceful religion when the actions of their militant few, say otherwise?

oh, I hear you, it’s only the terrorists that aren’t peaceful? that is irrelevant – get this through your head – if the peaceful muslims don’t do anything about their violent extremists then I don’t give a flying fuck if it’s only the extremists that are giving these supposedly peaceful religions a bad name because, the peaceful majority are *irrelevant* to the whole situation if they do nothing about their extremists.

In actual terms, extremists would seem to outnumber the amount of people who take action against extremists, the apathetic masses that take no action whatsoever are not involved – other to vent their anger at being lumped in with the extremists they do nothing about.

the same thing has happened with catholics and protestants and all the other christians, for that matter..

Jesus taught that christians are to love everyone, the second highest commandment in all of christianity is to “love thy neighbour” and shit man, if the *christian*church* itself can’t even do that much *themselves* and keep their own church from splitting up violently, then there is no way i’d pick up their religion as I try to *NOT* take deliberately hypocritical things seriously….

tens of millions of people died over the split between catholics and protestants and 500 years ago, that was a fair chunk of all the people that were alive at the time in the entire world…. so how is all that blood shed, “loving thy neighbour”?


for me, I never really believed in anybody’s preconceived idea of god, I made up my own stupid idea of it, so my idea of god got diluted over the years and now, I make up something new about god nearly everyday….

i do not have one static definition of god, and the reason I can change my mind all the time, is that I just don’t know what to think about god – there could be a god – there might not be a god – i think it’s *FUN* to dream up the possibilities of god, so when people get upset and take their beliefs too seriously, well, it’s not that much fun any more, because to demand that what you believe about god be accepted by everyone else, well, that’s just embarrassingly pathetic, as that is no different to demanding that I believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, Peter Pan, big foot, that Star Trek the original series was better, that Greedo fired first… blah lbah blah

if you make an incredible claim, you *need* to back up that claim, *incredibly*!..

oh and “just have faith” will not slide very far in my world either. “Just have faith” is no different to telling me to “Just get fucked” because just telling me to believe, well, that’s rude, no matter how *you* want to spin it – it’s just plain rude, it says that your opinion is better than mine, regardless of my opinion. “just have faith” is saying that whatever my opinion is, yours is better than mine… fuck you! You don’t even know me, so you can “just get fucked” if you think i should “just have faith” or that I should “just believe”… rude much?


god existing *logically* is impossible. yes, a logical god is complete bullshit, no SHIT Sherlock!

so why even use logic to “debunk” the illogical? *how* can the illogical even have logic applied to it in the first place?

god is everywhere at once? infinitely powerful?? has “lived” for all eternity?? none of that makes sense because it’s ILLOGICAL!

so god is already illogical, but don’t let me stop you wracking your brains over just how illogical god is, because therein lies the *FUN* of god – what if god did this – what if god did that…

but to think that a fancy bit of logic categorically proves that god does not exist (or *does* exist for that matter), well good on you for being soooo “clever”, but you might as well try to prove that love doesn’t exist, because people believe in god because of *feelings* – logic won’t help you as much as you would like when feelings are involved, as logical concepts tend to go right over a lot of people’s heads *anyway*, many people have no idea how to understand your logical points of view, so your extreme cleverness, is fucking pointless.

you’d have just as much luck teaching monkeys about quantum physics, so getting upset over people not agreeing with your “logical” take on god, the most illogical thing of all, that is illogical in itself as well, isn’t it?

you fucking embarrass yourself by demanding that god doesn’t exist. because to make such a claim, is to claim that you are god yourself, because only god would know if god categorically existed or did not exist, right?

getting upset is exactly what a spoilt child with a tendency to temper tantrum would do.. like a child getting pissed off that their ice-cream keeps melting while they are standing in the sun on a hot day, but not realising even for a second, that it’s the heat that is causing the ice cream to melt…. stand in the fucking shade and eat your ice-cream cone you dumb little shit!!!


imagine a child, after thinking that Santa Claus was real for the first few years of life, but then figures out that Santa, is really mum and dad.

But then imagine that child, after he’d finally accepted that Santa Claus was just the parents, imagine if some little kid told him that Santa Claus was *real*, he would go into flying fits of rage telling everyone that “NO !!! YOUR DUMBASH- THERS NOT AS SANTA CLAUIS!” ..

that’s what “angry” atheists are like, but jerks are jerks no matter what they believe, and it’s about time people started to realise that it’s “extremists” in general that are the problem, regardless of beliefs. (it’s just that religious jerks are in greater abundance)

But why would anyone get upset that there is no Santa Claus?

could it be, that they really *wanted* Santa Claus to be real, but now they know the truth … they are mega ticked off about it not being true, could they be mega ticked off about being deceived? pissed off about having their warm-and-fuzzy feelings taken away from them? can they get back some of the stolen innocence of their youth by telling as many other little kids that Santa is not real either, so as to share that pain around? they felt it, so why not spoil it for every other kid as well?

Imagine that kid in the school grounds at lunch time, telling the little kids that they are “fucking stupid” and that they are “retarded” for believing in Santa Claus?

That little shit doesn’t give a reason for there being no Santa, he just says “Think about it!! it’s the TRUTH! It’s your PARENTS! SANTA CLAUS IS YOUR MUM AND DAD!!!” .. but there’s all the big kids, “ahem, yeah, Santa Claus isn’t real, so what? let the little kids have their innocence now that they believe, and what difference does it make to you?”

Santa Claus didn’t make sense, but we still believed it, because we liked the *idea* of some magical or larger than life person making a big fucking deal out of little old us.

Maybe we should thank Coca Cola or whoever it was that commercialised Santa Claus? maybe a lot more little kids were able to “figure out” Santa a lot sooner because the shops make such a big deal out of Christmas shopping time for over a month every year!.. so kids see Santa more often in the shops, on the TV, and in advertising, etc, so they end up thinking about the Santa concept for longer.

so if children can figure out that Santa isn’t real, what is stopping the next logical step of this awakening to bullshitism? …..

what makes people hang on to “god”, because ya know, *god* makes even *less* sense than Santa Claus so uhmmm???? could it be that most kids are so fickle, they only care about getting the presents, they don’t actually think about the concept of god, ooopps, I mean Santa, they just want the warm-and-fuzzy feeling of getting stuff, so that they feel loved…. and besides, ultimately, Santa Claus is far more real than god will ever be, it’s a lot easier to debunk something that is real.

and since god belief is just our own personal warm and fuzzy feelings, born of our illogical and emotional need for security, using logic against something founded in our illogical emotions, is even more illogical and even more illogical than that – is to expect your logic to work on the fundamentalist.


so god being real or not, is beside the point, you can not debunk the illogical with logic.. right?

for instance: is “love” real? how can you debunk love? you can’t touch it – you can feel it – how do you prove that you love someone? you could do many things for them – but how does anything prove categorically that you love someone? You could put your life on the line for someone, perhaps nearly die, but who is to say you would not have done that same thing anyway, even for someone you did not even know, let alone love? Point being, is that “love” is a very broad term.

but love – in technical terms – is just a chemical response (that warm and fuzzy feeling you get) when you know that someone cares about you, or when you feel “warmly” for someone else, isn’t it?

i mean, how else, can you describe love without referring to other feelings?

pfft!… oh I hear some of you, “god *is* love” … *sigh*

well, that may be so, but god *is* just a feeling in the first place, so it’s quite a nice sentiment to describe god as being “love”, in fact, the bible even says that god is love! So “god is love” – fine by me, whatever makes you happy – *shrugs*shoulders*

that’s what the whole god thing boils down to for a lot of people, isn’t it? you can’t rely on other people to be nice and to love you at all times – but you can rely on god to love you at all times no matter how crappy things have turned for you, so why not run with this notion that *god* loves you, that way it doesn’t matter if you’re a total creep and nobody can stand to have you around, you’ve got god/Jesus/allah/blah/blah/blah ….

being cared for and loved for all eternity is what we really want, because our lives are so small in this universe, some of us need to believe in god to make themselves feel connected with the universe and if you love the creator of the universe then you are set to live for all eternity, and the mere pittance of a price for this love, is that we tolerate a lot of bullshit from the people/deity giving us this love for half a dozen decades or so..

eg… oh he’s my brother so i put up with his drinking…

she’s my cousin, so i don’t care that he’s a prostitute..

oh they are my partner, so i let them beat me because I love them….

oh he’s my best friend, so i don’t care that he owes me thousands of dollars…

oh god is god, so god can flood the world and kill everyone as *often* as it wants! right??!?!

people far too often seem to want to put up with a lot of bullshit, just to gain a little bit of love, so it’s no wonder that some people can turn to god, no matter how strongly their previous convictions were that they didn’t believe.

and a significant proportion of christians would have us believe, that love from god, merely requires that you believe in Jesus.

that’s it – that’s all you need to do – just believe;.. don’t even need to snap your fingers, nor click your heels, nor do the hokey pokey and not even turn about – all you need to do is believe.

so god can give you love – plenty of it – god is love on a stick – god can fill the gap in the emotional needs of a person, exactly the same way that little kids have imaginary friends…. and the more emotionally invested your are in your god, the less you can grow emotionally ….

yes, you read that right … the children of god, indeed; thus making the non-believers, the adults …


and let us not forget that in spite of all your logic, if god was real and you could somehow lay down a challenge to it, god could always cheat..

that’s right…

if there is a god, what is stopping it from *cheating* to get around your “clever” logic anyway…

you and all your logic could not defeat a god…. you kid yourself if you think that your little bit of logic can defeat “god” !!! …

your logic might be able to squash the christian or muslim god – that’s easy – but that is *only* because those bunches of religiopeople didn’t have a very good imagination (nor hindsight like we do today) when they were dreaming up their god creature.

so if you reckon god can’t do some lame thing like draw a square circle, then think again…

what if god draws a circle, so you *see* a circle being drawn, but then god goes and changes your brain such that the definition of a *square* is now a circle? so now, even though you saw a circle drawn, even though you *know* it *was* a circle – you *now* see a square..

so now, the rest of us would now laugh at you for calling circles, “squares”…

which would be your personal punishment from god for your arrogance in challenging it with some trivial and mundane, but supposedly clever riddle to try and trick god, so now you get to spend the rest of your life going mad saying “I saw a *circle* drawn, how can it be a *square* now?”, as you clutch the worn down and crumpled bit of drawing paper that god sketched your squircle on…. in your padded room…. with drool dribbling down your “bib”… from inside a jacket that someone else needs to release you from.

see? god could *Cheat* the arse right off you and you wouldn’t even know, so even those things that apparently make sense now, could be thrown out the window, should this god so choose to do such a thing to your arse.

Point being is that nothing thus far has made sense about god nor did anything seem big enough to me about god, nor can I see how this god thing would ever make sense!

“god made the universe??!?! that’s it? one piddly little universe? this god didn’t really aspire to that big of a task, did it? i mean, it’s *god*, right?”

the best nonsensical thing i can think of that would allow god to know everything, is if god was every *where* and every *when* at once, so it wouldn’t need to *know* or *Remember* anything, it would be there to see it all happen in real time….. and god could also be everywhere at once, but be out-of-phase with us, but still able to see this universe….. or how about god sitting above our dimension??..

making sense of those statements and *how* god could do that is *fun*.


for me – the closest thing to making sense of god in our universe, is that the universe itself is god… but if that is so, then there’s no point in having “faith” as your every moment of existence would be proof of god, it would be a fact, as you would be in constant contact with god all the time, so the whole higher “god being” becomes redundant – which is not why people believe in god anyway, is it?

people want warmth and fuzziness, and you can’t get that from an inanimate object.

So god being the universe, doesn’t appeal to people, because people *want* to believe in fantasy, basically, so they can feel warm and fuzzy about things that they can not control.

I quite clearly remember, as a very young child, *wanting* to believe in god because I didn’t want the end of my life here on earth to be the end of things completely, I wanted to live forever, and *god* was the only option in that regard, at least to my very young mind. It was my fear of death that made me want to believe in god, but I never could though – god just didn’t take ..

and quite frankly, the most fantastic thing that god could do, would be to create itself, and as far as I can understand, the universe *did* create itself, whatever the specifics were of how it actually happened.. ie. big bang, big rip in space, big crunch, string theory, parallel universe, colliding universes, quantum fluctuations, blah blah blah – whatever it was – the universe making itself is far more impressive and believable than anything anybody has ever said about their god, at least it is for me.

so when I say I don’t believe in god, that means any and every god “being” that has ever been made up… but that *still* does not mean that a god “being” does not exist, there still could be some creature-being that fits the “god, creator of the universe” model, i doubt that there is a god though.. but what I don’t doubt, is that every believer’s idea of god is wrong, because no-one who believes in god, thinks big enough about their god!


the universe making itself requires one fantastic thing to consider, that being that the universe made itself out of nothing

god making the universe requires two fantastic things to consider, that there *is* a god, and that this god is so powerful, it *could* make a universe out of nothing

and who knows, our universe could have been accidentally created by a bunch of aliens in a science experiment that went wrong, and if that were true, those aliens would be “god, creators of the universe”, we just don’t know

you’d think that as we learn more about the universe, that the people claiming to be smart amongst us, would realise that the more we know, the more it is apparent it is about just how little we *do* know… eg. when we were kids we thought we knew everything, the older we got, the more we realise just how much we didn’t know…

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.



i say let people have their god, because if they wanted it so bad and you made them realise the truth by hammering it home at them that they are stupid dumbarse morons, then don’t expect those people to be happy about being forced to give away something that loved them… imagine if you took a puppy away from a child that had just gotten used to it??

so, have fun exploring that idea, “is there a god?”, but ultimately, who gives a fuck? because it’s what people *do* with that belief that can be a problem, do we really think religious people will stop being fuck-heads once they aren’t religious? i don’t think so!! they’ll probably be *Worse*! i bet that’s probably where all the atheists who act like fucktards come from..

in my experience, it’s been the *ego* of a person and their extreme desire to believe (or not believe) that has been the problem, so if you destroy someone’s beliefs, (or make them turn *to* god for that matter), their ego will just get bigger to compensate, and that will be a bigger problem, because if you’ve shown them to be wrong, the ego will need to become bigger in order to compensate for having to accept that it really does have a small penis and that everyone knows it has a small penis, as well.

catching someone out in a lie, could see them tell a bigger lie to cover up that first lie.

but even being angry about god not existing, must feel good in some strange sort of way, because you get to *feel*. But feelings can always be taken to extreme, and god, regardless of it being “logically impossible”, god is still *real* to those who believe because people’s *feelings* are always going to be real…


is love “real”?

try and define love without referring to other feelings and all you’ll get is that “love” is just the brain and body reacting to inputs from the senses…

but that notion of love isn’t enough for some people, so their brains invent things to make them feel better, some people fantasise about the person they can’t have, and some pretend that they rule the world, but some people just don’t have the imagination to make up something elaborate to pump up their egos, so we have “warm-and-fuzzy” on a stick for you, and it’s called “god”, and all you need to do to feel warm-and-fuzzy.. is just *believe*, and you’ll be *loved*, for all eternity…

more outspoken atheists are required … (religiorant)   Leave a comment

being an outspoken atheist isn’t really even required in Australia, not really, at least, it hasn’t been for as long as I can remember.

And that’s probably because Australians often tell religious fruitcakes not to be dickheads to their faces, even the religious tell the religious fruitcakes to pull their heads in over here, in fact, the religious are often the ones who actually do something about the religious nutters over here.

in comparison to the USA, I can’t think of a single incident where the moderately religious people in the USA did something about their religiotarded fellow believers

like with those rapture billboards .. i can only think of a handful of christians saying that Camping had it wrong.


where were the millions of US christians saying that predicting the rapture is not “appropriate”?

it’s very apparent in the USA that people are more worried about Miley Cyrus giving young kids bad ideas by wearing skimpy outfits than they are worried about the unnecessary and biblical fear-mongering towards children… ie. in my mind there is no difference to kids being led astray by popular culture and kids being led to fear that the world is going to end as was predicted by those stupid billboards that Camping had put up…

but the whole thing is against what is taught in the bible because not even Jesus himself knows when the end is supposed to happen, so Camping was pretending to be *god* in that regard so where is the christian outrage at this blasphemy spouted by this old fart?

He’s *pretending* to be god, there is NOTHING more idolatrous than that!

frankly, if I believed in the christian god, I would be afraid that he would smite the earth after seeing how apathetic we were towards this Camping-clown’s false message of doom.

and kids *do* worry about that end-of-the-world and other sorts of god bullshit and there’s a big difference to disciplining and guiding children into adulthood to be good people as compared to telling them, that no matter how good they are, god is going to destroy the world at any moment!!

no wonder the world is supposedly going to shit in an ocean of apathy; these christian scaremongers keep ramming down our throats this bullshit of theirs that says that no matter what we do, we’re fucked any way.. if anything, those christian billboards should be sending positive messages, like “be nice to each other!” or better still, that money should be directly spent on the needy, like that Jesus guy that these people allegedly follow, said to do..

and the USA does have a big influence on the rest of the world too, so it’s not like others around the world are not going to get stupid ideas from this rapture nonsense that goes on every now and then thanks to the Internet….

so not only do atheists need to “come out” in the USA, and good leaders will inspire that, but the USA needs the sensible religious people (and they should be in the majority) on board as well to tell their fellow believers, who go too far with their beliefs to cut out their fricking bullshit, and seeing how the USA has such a big influence, it is the duty of all people, not just the atheists, to stamp out the religious idiocy, in fact, if anything, it should be the direct responsibility of “real” religious people to put a stop to all the religious arse-hattery that is out there.

That’s right, christians deal with their fundamentalist fucktards; muslims should deal with their terrorist buddies etc etc and those religious types should leave everyone else alone, you know, until they get their religions of peace to be actually peaceful, they should not bother with anybody else.

atheists are arrogant…. (atheiorant)   1 comment

atheists are arrogant

mostly written 11th Feb, 2011…. mostly….

atheists are arrogant; they are, but no more or less arrogant than believers are..

and I don’t mean that atheists are arrogant in the sense that they have the gall to deny an individual’s god with some “clever” bit of logic, or even debunk one of those religious stories with some fact that would blow it out of the global flood waters, or even saying “mate, don’t be a dick-head, you know all those bible stories are bullshit, right?” but…

atheists are arrogant for even attempting to use their intellect against the religious, it’s just not fair!! *stomps*foot*and*pouts*

it’s arrogant to use your logic when god just isn’t logical in the first place, so don’t expect results using logic!

do you try to talk about philosophy with your cat, well?

it’s a fair bet that the non-believer is going to be cleverer than the believer, so the non-believer should not forget that they already have the advantage in any ‘game’ of facts and logic, so it just seems ridiculous for atheists to even attempt to shoot the fish in the barrel.

If you argued with a mentally challenged person and walked away from that argument feeling like you had won, that’s no victory. If you’re a 120kilo heavy-weight that beats the crap out of a 60kilo weakling, that’s no victory. If you know a martial art, and you use that on someone who couldn’t hurt you even if they tried, that’s not a victory, no matter how much they tried to hurt you.

On top of this, even if you did trounce every religious argument you’ve ever encountered with all these facts about just how wrong their bullshit is, (which isn’t really that much to boast about, when you think about it) it’s still not a defeat to the believer, it’s probably a *victory* to the religious person if they merely retain their faith.

Maintaining the status quo is just as good as a victory to the believer, you’ve tested their faith, they still have it, therefore *you* lose, doesn’t matter if you were actually right and actually did win the debate with your facts and figures, you will always lose from the believers’ point of view, you can’t beat their god/Jesus/Muhammad/whatever with your logic.

Why do you think these religious clowns keep going on about the same old fucking thing all the fucking time? that is soooooo fucking boring…. come on.. no space is not a fucking ocean, no the planets don’t slide around on invisible rails, no the fucking earth is not held in place by its magnetic field so it will not fucking fall into the chasm of space if it fails!! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!! GROW UP!

you can only change someone’s mind beat someone’s god with patience, and from what I’ve seen on the internet, patience is a rare commodity, so don’t waste your patience on the beating of dead horses…

“every Jedi knows you can not save someone who does not want to be saved”
–[Jedi General Aayla Secura]


Debunking religious tales is *easy*, a child can do it, so it’s arrogant to try this logical, rational and Captain Sensible approach to debunking god and expect that it’s somehow going to change some overly religious person’s mind, especially in the short term.

Instant changes, on an emotional level, can’t be made without ‘hurt’, that’s why feelings of grief will often linger, right? You can’t just suddenly wish away the hurt, you’d be a droid if you could do that.

Likewise you just can’t wish away the ‘dumb’ that goes along with the religious point of view, as people don’t want to change what they ‘know’ to be true in any sort of a hurry, they aren’t droids any more than you are. The same thing happens with people who stay in less-than-ideal relationships, they just don’t want to give that security blanket away, even if it’s old, crusty, stinks to high heaven and treats them like crap.

Debunking religion does have the positive effect of pissing the religious off though, but it mainly serves the selfish purpose of propping up the fact that you are right, of course their frikking god is a load of bullshit.

So logic and facts are not going to be that useful, especially when it comes to the bible, seeing how most of the christians I’ve seen online clearly don’t even understand the bible themselves. It’s kind of silly to debunk the bible and expect that a believer is going to have a change of mind, especially when the believer doesn’t even care if their precious bible is full of shit in the first place! It’s kind of like expecting people to know their multiplication tables, when they don’t even know basic addition, if they don’t know basic addition, then there is little point bamboozling them with fancy schmancy multiplication.

So, Logic + Bible = #fail ??

Logic isn’t totally useless in your arguments, just don’t expect a return on your investment.

don’t get me wrong, if you try to argue with a child about something that they think to be true (perhaps because their Mum said it was so), eventually they are going to realise the truth if you keep the logic up at them…. the keyword there is *Eventually*, so this will *only* happen if you keep up with telling them your truth, but until they come around to your way of thinking, they will probably *hate* you for trying to tell them that thing their Mum said, that makes them feel warm and fuzzy about themselves, is stupid, or bullshit, or lies or whatever craptacular superlatives you can think up.

What do you think all the abuse flying around in the “religious war” on the internet is all about? You just have to say the word “Atheist” and religiotards go *spastic*, what’s the point in trying to waste your intellect on fucktards like that?

Using raw logic just pisses the dumbarse fucktarded believers off, and soon as you piss them off their brains start saying over and over …….


beliefs are based in emotions, you can not change how someone feels unless you make your argument from *their* emotional point of view.


“Luke, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.”–[Ben ‘Obi-Wan’ Kenobi]

Wise words indeed, and very relevant to what I’m babbling on about. If you can’t understand what the other person is putting themselves through with this rubbish they tell themselves, then you are going to have a very hard time trying to unravel their labyrinth of warm and fuzzy feelings by using your factual tales about how their religion is bullshit.

it’s *very* important that the other person’s point of view be taken into consideration, if you truly and compassionately believe that it is “for-the-best” that people give up their religion, then you need to speak to them on *their* emotional level, and *not* on your emotional level with your facts and figures and logic and your rationalistic points of view

You should use your clever logic to formulate a solution that deals with the emotional aspect of their belief.

so forget any of the logic you have, because unless you have forever to be patient with someone, you will get little-to-no results. You may make a dent in someone’s belief, but that dent will probably takes months or years to rust so bad that it can’t be ignored any more, that is of course, if the religious person’s emotional concerns stemming from their belief in god, doesn’t make them completely dismiss your logic summarily out of spite, seeing how their jealous and perfect and eternal god outranks you and such.

Think about your own perspective; only *you* can change how you feel, right? likewise, you can not change some other person in an instant by delivering them some ‘fact’ that they are supposed to take to heart, they have to want to change, and they have to want to change at their own pace.

You may deliver some fact that may just cause the cascade into breaking that person’s beliefs, but the hit and miss ratio of this tactic is severely balanced in the favour of the “miss” side.

If you’re an ex-believer, relate your own experiences.

save your fancy facts and logic for later on, once you’ve got them asking questions


attacking the concept of god, is an affront to the believer’s very concept of eternal life, you’ve attacked their assertion that they have the ability to cheat death by believing in this loving god, you’ve attacked their emotional need for god by saying that everlasting life (that is somehow provided by this god creature of theirs) is in fact, a lie.

How would you feel if you suddenly found out that this tight-rope you were walking upon, didn’t actually have a safety net that would catch you if you should fall?

how do you react when someone says some lie about someone you are close to? that’s what you are doing to the believer when you attack that god thing of theirs. Realise this emotional dependency in your arguments, and *use* it to your advantage. Realise that you are attacking them and their ego.

That’s what you are really doing.. say “god doesn’t exist” and you are saying that the *ego* of this person doesn’t exist, no wonder they go ballistic when you deny their god.

put yourself into their position; how would you feel if someone you were close to was suddenly revealed to have killed every creature on earth? or that your parents didn’t actually exist?

that can’t be far removed from you’re asking the believer to do, even if god is only in their heads. remember the moment that you discovered that Santa Claus wasn’t real?

ex-believers may remember going into a mild (or perhaps even massive) panic at the moment they thought, “oh no! I really don’t get to live forever” … oh … snap….. ex-believers may also remember that ‘rush’ they got when they thought that Jesus walked with them at every moment that they were alive and how it gave them some sort of righteous self dignified feeling of just being there in the world, all because they are a believer in Jayzsus Cahrist…

believing in Jesus must be very much like being in love, without that whole having-to-worry-about-being-rejected thing, but in order for people to let their Jesus go, people need to grow and expand, at their own pace.

Realise they need to let go of their own *ego* – you *never* defeat somebody’s ego, and if you did, it could actually result in that religious fruit cake flipping out altogether.

*use* that to your advantage, address the underlying emotional concern of the religionist, and leave your conversations about “facts” for your dog, because at least your dog will appreciate the time and attention you give him, even if he doesn’t understand you in the slightest.


So to truly deal with the problem of religion, you need to look at it from the believers point of view, because even if their god is just imaginary, their imaginations are still very much real to them, and you know what it’s like to get caught up in a story, right?

imagine you are a person living inside a story all the time, imagine walking around believing in Lord of The Rings, or Star Wars or Harry Potter or Dungeons and Dragons as if it were “real”?

The sheer absurdity of the idea of believing in some other person’s anachronistic story from a few millennia ago is beyond even trying to address. It’s a *facepalm* situation that is so intense a joke that you honour it’s absurdity by even acknowledging it’s existence, because to even denounce such a joke as religion is to give it more credence than the joke deserves.

“their jokes, don’t make me laugh, they only make me feel like dying in an unguarded moment”
–[The Church]

because seriously, some people really *do* need to have guidelines about how to behave, so even if they do have it that wrong, it’s best to let them have their teddy bear joke, telling them that their teddy bear is wrong will not help much, instead, tell them that they are not following what their teddy bear wanted them to do, that they shame their teddy bear by not following Teddy’s teachings.

so instead of trying to tell them all the crap they believe in is wrong, you could always teach them how to get their religion right.

If people actually followed what Jesus taught, i wouldn’t have a problem with christians, even if they quarter-followed what was taught it’d be great… but that’s not going to happen because the fact is, it’s very hard to be Christ-like, so showing people that they aren’t even following their precious Jesus, is bound to help them reject Jesus of their own accord, at least, that’s my theory…

tell them why you don’t believe; I don’t believe in Jesus Christ because I haven’t see any “christian” actually acting christian, so i’m not going to pretend to be something that I’m not, especially when people call themselves christian when they are clearly not, why would I lump myself in with the greatest lie and joke of all time, why would I identify with a people that have the gall to call themselves “Christ-like”?

I can’t think of a bigger joke on this fucking earth. It’s a joke so big, it’s not even funny.

So, give up on your intellectual battle against the religious, it’s not working as well as you would hope, I bet you piss the not-so-smart christians off, especially with all that fancy explanations of fallacies and logic, they don’t even understand their bible, they’re not going to understand logic..

ie. people have an emotional attachment to money because it provides security, but this precious Jesus the christians allegedly follow, told his followers if they want to follow him, then they are to sell all their stuff and give the money to the needy… atheist should educate the believers, tell them to part with their precious money…

do you know many christians that have given away all their money?

“In truth, there was only one christian, and he died on the cross”
–[Nietzsche “Der Antichrist” (1888)]

the god haters…. (religiorant)   Leave a comment

the god haters..

written mostly 29th March 2010…. mostly ….

this is one of the most ridiculous arguments of the religidiot, ”non-believers are “god haters”!!!

*ahem* … what did you say??


even been called a god hater??

if you are not a believer in the existence of god, then how is it possible to hate something that doesn’t exist? so it is extremely and pretty and very hard to hate something that is an unknown, I would say!


the intellectual vacuum in the heads of some religionuts is just astounding, and these people are probably the same people who think that the LHC is going to destroy the world, the density difference between their brains and the atmosphere is far more likely to create a black hole that would suck the earth into oblivion than the LHC….

maybe believers think that non-believers are sooooo evil, that we *must* have so much hatred festering inside us, that we can find some hate for the stray hydrogen atoms out there in the vacuum of outer space??.. and why not? those stray atoms are infinitely more “real” than this god we supposedly hate

i find it amazing that the non-believer can literally do NOTHING, and that’s all it takes for the non-believer to be offensive and hateful enough to tick off some “believers”

pathetic would probably be a better word to describe believers calling non-believers “god haters”


I remember hearing about religion and god worship once during the 90s, and my reaction to hearing this notion was… “oh what the fuck?! didn’t everyone else stop believing in Jesus and god soon after they were told that Santa Claus and the easter bunny and the tooth fairy and leprechauns etc etc were all made up?…. grrrr…” … ..

so uhmm.. yeah, regardless of whatever *you* think of your god existing or not, as far as *I* am concerned, this god of yours *ONLY* lives in your head, so if you say that I am a god hater, then you are, in fact, saying that *I* HATE *YOU*, and, seeing how this is *your* god, that lives in *your* brain, *you* are in fact, saying that *you* actually *WANT* me to hate *you*.. LOL!


so given that, if want me to hate you, then don’t fucking whinge when I *DO*!!

and here’s the even more pathetic thing about this::

the problem here is NOTHING TO FUCKING DO WITH GOD IN THE FIRST PLACE – do fucktarded religiomorons understand that concept? no!!

For me personally, the source of the offensiveness is that *you* are making ASSUMPTIONS about *me*, that *you* think you are permitted to be speaking on *my* behalf with notions as to what I apparently hate.


but I fucking BET that you are calling me a “god hater” because you think it makes you better than me and that somehow this all powerful fantasy creature being in your brain (aka your EGO) gives you a mental rush for having the opportunity to make an AFFIRMATION of your belief!!!


So just who do you think you are to “know” what it is exactly, that I actually hate?

So just how do you know how to form my own opinion of you, on my behalf?

So just how can *you* then formulate for me, my *own* opinion of you, and then have the nerve to expect that I’m going to conform with your fucked up offensive ideas of me that you have *just* created with absolutely no way of knowing if what you are bullshittering about, is indeed accurate?

And even *if* you knew exactly what I hated, WHAT GIVES YOU THE FUCKING *RIGHT* TO EVEN SPEAK FOR ME AT ALL??


did I give you permission to do that? no I fucking did not!! If I did, then you probably missed the condition where you are supposed to have a shovel shoved up your butt, side ways, before you are allowed to speak for me.


you don’t know shit about god, and furthermore, you don’t know shit about what I believe when it comes to god, so if that’s you trying to tell me that I hate god, then you are a cunt-faced liar, and that is as polite as I will be on the matter with some cunt who thinks that they can speak for me…


Who are you to wave your finger, you musta been out your head…. eye-hole deep in muddy waters, you practically raised the dead….

are you god itself? ARE YOU?!??

you musta been high, because without *me* telling *you* in extreme details of what I hate, you would *have* to be GOD to be able to *know* what I hate, and you would have to *BE* god in order to think you would get away with that as well, and to top it all off, this god of yours is going to be pretty well fucking pissed off with any body assuming the role of being an all knowing being!!

this is proof that god doesn’t exist, because just how blatantly, obviously, deliberately and persistently can god’s will be defied?? And yet ppl expect they will get away with out any retribution? people don’t really believe in god, NO FUCKING WAY, how can they? because if they truly feared some all powerful being they wouldn’t fucking leave the fucking house for fear of doing something wrong, which they constantly do but don’t give a fuck about. This is proof that god only exists in the YOUR mind, because NO OTHER god would let you get away with the bullshit that it lets you get away with

And by calling me a god hater, you reveal yourself to be one of fucking stupidiest ppl on earth, because it obviously didn’t occur to you fuckheaded people, that you are trying to force me to acknowledge that this god creature of yours actually exists by calling me a “god hater”…

what’s the big deal you say?


you may want to defy your god by committing idolatry by yourself in boasting that your god exists and that it is *the* god, but you go and commit idolatry DOUBLY-SO by trying to make me commit it as well..

so go fuck yourself, all you people with your “god hater” rhetoric, because if there is a god, you can accept the punishment for breaking your precious god’s highest law all on your *own*. That seat in hell that you are screaming out that you want, is reserved *just* for you. I’ve already got a good spot all lined up.

just how arrogant does the person calling me a “god hater” have to be to actually do that? that’s like telling some person, you don’t even know, who they like and who they dislike.

idiot: “Oh you like Justin Bieber!!”
non-idiot: “pffft!! who the FUCK is that?”

These created assumptions cross all manner of personal boundaries, the fact that this is about god, is beside the point and merely serves to compound the arrogance of the person using the phrase “god hater”..

you are judging me to be a hater because *you* think that non-belief is worthy of being cast into hell, because I am defiling your precious god with my *not* acknowledging it’s existence … that’s idolatry on *your* part..

so first of all .. fuck you, with bells on it, just because I don’t share your opinion of god, you get to insult me? just how insanely rude *are* you people calling me a “god hater”?

NO! you do NOT get to formulate my OWN OPINION on ANYTHING for me, let alone god, the most unknown of the all the unknowns..


Still don’t get it? That’s hardly surprising seeing how the average IQ of the world drops every time a religionist fuck head fundamentalist opens up their mouth.

*you* fundies are the ones calling us god haters, get it?

we didn’t come up with any of that bullshit, *you* fundies did that all by yourselves, get it?

so even if god actually *does* exist, *you* are *creating* our alleged hate for us *regardless* of there actually being a god or not, *you* are superimposing *your* own hatred towards non-believers for not *being* believers by calling us god haters…

you are taking your FEAR that the non-believers are actually right, and you are turning that fear into anger, and that anger leads you to HATE non-believers who will NOT be swayed by your pathetically small minded religious nonsense. the result of this is that you are creating your own suffering which you then need to alleviate by ACTING OUT this anger in a reflex conditioned reaction towards us with *our* “alleged” hatred of god. (remember, we can’t hate things that don’t exist)

fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.–[Yoda]

In other words, not only are you forming my opinion for me, but you speak of *YOUR* *OWN* *HATRED* for the universe when you are talking about people that you’ve labelled “god haters”

so it is actually more correct to say that *you* hate “god haters”, with the caveat for us people in the real world, is that “god haters” don’t actually fucking exist because they can’t hate something that only exists in *your* fucked up sick and twisted little mind.

In order to hate something, you stupid cunts, you have to acknowledge it’s existence.


So people who use the term “god haters” are making up shit to be angry about, that’s all it is, THEY ARE MAKING UP STUFF TO BE ANGRY ABOUT, and then they are taking out that anger on the non-believers.. and if you choose to be angry at me for a reason that *you* *made*up*, then you can quite clearly go and choose to fuck yourself as well

so much for a religion of peace, huh?

Because if denying or not even acknowledging that something exists makes me a hater of said thing that does not exist, then it is *YOU* that has the fucked up perception of reality, it is *YOU* with the hatred issues towards people who don’t believe in this god creature *YOU* have created in *your* brain.

it is *YOU* that is acting out in anger that the rest of the world DOES NOT BELIEVE IN YOUR BULLSHIT FANTASY STORY

YOUR GOD IS 100.000% in YOUR BRAIN, IT IS 0.000% in my brain

the god you speak of, is 100% in your mind, so when you say we are “god haters” – you are actually saying that we hate *you* – get that through your thick heads

deny it all you want, but I went for ten years without a thought of god, but then I get online and people INSIST that god is real to me, “ahem! no… that’s your *opinion*”

I wouldn’t give a rats arse about what people believe in, that is, *until* they start harassing me to believe the same bullshit they believe – so for me personally – my going on about god is *DIRECTLY* caused by people INSISTING to me that I believe in their god…

that’s right, if god haters actually do exist, then it’s the religious who brought the god haters into existence because the only way god haters could exist is if a believer managed to piss off a non-believer into hating the god concept that they are trying to flaunt.

by speaking about “god haters”, you create them! aka. Speak of the devil, and the devil will appear

people come to their beliefs of their own accord, all by themselves, in their *own* time, insulting someone by saying that they are god haters is an INSTANT WAY to make people HATE YOU and this god thing in your brain.

So much for *SPREADING* the word hey?

If you call me a god hater, then you are spreading HATRED, and you have got ZERO chance whatsoever of converting me to your bullshit, in fact, nothing you say from that point on is going to be listened to, not without me being sceptical about what you are saying…

Calling me a “god hater” is also an idle threat that I will not capitulate to, you don’t scare me, your god doesn’t scare me, and seriously, what god would give a fuck if I hated it anyway? but more importantly, if there was a god, it will get it’s own revenge back at me in it’s own sweet time, so why do the fundies feel a need to act out and threaten me on behalf of their god? Commit idolatry much?

That in itself, is SOLID proof that god only exists in your mind, why does the most superior being in the universe need INSIGNIFICANT LITTLE OLD YOU to be defending them or have you work their will on their behalf?

could it just simply be you are defending your own ego?

which is more likely? god is just a figment of the imagination that you parade around as your ego, or that god made the entire universe out of nothing?

And people should also realise, that since this god creature some people believe in, is completely in the minds of said people, that any threats made in the name of that god, are actually threats that have originated from the mind of the people who believe.

So when ppl say “Allah” or “GOD” is going to get me for misbehaving, they are *actually* talking about this god in their minds, meaning that *THEY* are making the threat to enact this retribution on behalf of their god. Meaning that a detached part of their brain has just made a threat against me, but then in true hypocritical style, the person making the threat has no idea that they are making a threat, or perhaps they do, and they just think some random prophet or god will forgive them for doing so, after all, it *was* a threat made in prophets/god’s name?

If I took you to court because you said to me that “GOD is going to kill me tomorrow”, my argument to the Judge would be that the only way you could know that, is if *YOU* were going to be doing that killing on behalf of said god

So unless you can prove your god exists, it is YOU that is making threats on behalf of the god in YOUR brain, which makes you accountable for any bullshit you say in the name of said god. Making threats in the name of Jesus christ or Muhammad doesn’t negate the illegality of the threats you are making.

In other words, if I *do* hate ‘god’, then you can safely lay that blame on the people who have harassed, threatened, insulted, bullied, pestered, or badgered me to believe their bullshit story, ie. THE INCESSANT INSISTENT BELIEVER!!!!!

those are the people I hate, not this made up bullshit story about some sky daddy that you expect me to believe, I don’t hate stories, I don’t read stories that I don’t even like in the first place, I *stop* reading them when I find them to be against my values or more likely, I stop reading when i am not entertained.

I have my own opinion – you are entitled to yours – but you don’t get to form *MY* opinion for me

the only time I have talked smack about god is because some believer has rudely tried to convince non-believers that god exists by INSISTING on spreading the word, or by INSISTING that they are correct and that we fall into line with their opinion, without question, without reservations, they just want us to believe, and that’s all there is to it.

that is RUDE – that is INSULTING – go FUCK YOURSELF

if you are rude and insulting enough times – people are going to be rude back at you, count on it.

But in saying that, please keep calling non-believers “god haters”, I think it’s great that you are deliberately destroying your own religion under the premise of “spreading the word”, that you think calling us “god haters” is some way to guilt trip us into believing your bullshit .. keep it up… it’s *great*, dumbarses!

god still could have made the universe Mr Hawking! (religion v science)   Leave a comment


recently Stephen Hawking has made the announcement that god did not make the universe, which many of us suspected all along, DERRRRRRR, but of course this has sparked an outrage from the god-did-itters, so once again we see the “faithful” showing their extreme lack of faith, that their faith in god is “unshakeable”!!!

Or perhaps it would be more correct to say that this adverse reaction to what Hawking has said, is because people are demonstrating their complete lack of *imagination* in this ‘being’, they describe as god

However you want to look at it, the people upset at Mr Hawking, have imagined a god that has somehow been “defeated” by Mr Hawking. And if his words have somehow offended or otherwise upset the believer, then those people getting upset clearly have a limited idea of god, because how else can a single personal human opinion about god, upset so many faithsketeers?

If somebody’s idea of god can be “defeated” then that is proof that their “god” is limited, and the only limit imposed on god, is the limit of a person’s imagination.

And *any* god that can be defeated, defies the very concept of god, therefore their idea of god can not possibly be real, so that limited idea of god that people have in their heads, must be *completely* in the mind of it’s believer.

In other words, many people do not think big enough about their god, because 5000yrs ago, god had made the earth and everything on it, and two bright lights in the sky, and lots of other little lights in the sky… that’s a lot of stuff, and while that was *everything* back then, it didn’t quite convey the appropriate impression of the sheer size of the universe that we know about today.

ie. we estimate that there are a hundred thousand million galaxies, at least, each containing something like a thousand million stars, *each*

point is, the universe went from being about one light day across 5000yrs ago, to the estimated size today of being some 78 billion light years across or whatever size it is that just doesn’t make sense if you think about it, but the whole time, what god had apparently made during the past 5000yrs, got bigger and bigger and bigger.. this perfect god was time and time again shown to have been an under estimate on the part of the believers.

this is proof of idolatry, isn’t it?

god made the earth, oh and god made the sun and moon… oh and the planets .. and all their moons.. and the asteroids… oh and the other stars .. and the nebula… and the galaxies … and the galaxy clusters … and the black holes.. and the super-massive black-holes .. oh and god made the universe … clearly the concept of what god has done has expanded over the last few thousand years, much to the reluctance of believers at times.

when your idea of something turns out to be different to how that something is in reality, that’s idolatry, that’s being a fanatic, that’s hero worship, whatever the fuck you want to call it, you are bullshitting yourself about god, because the real god, if there is one, could NOT possibly by defeated by Mr Hawking, or any OTHER human for that matter.

So, if your god can be displaced by some human notion, then your GOD was just not big enough, therefore, your god wasn’t the real god, and the first (christian) commandment is, “thou shalt not worship any god other than the real god”… so anyone getting upset about their god being displaced, is going to HELL for worshipping the WRONG god.

Real world example: how often has some person you idolised, turned out to be a total jerk in reality? maybe the pop star you grew up loving in the 80s, turned out to be a paedophile? or how about the sports-person you thought was brilliant at their game, who turned out to be some steroid popping, bigoted homophobic, wife beating, arrogant racist? or the scientist whose work is still used in everyday science, still thought that god made the universe in six days?

The idea, or the concept, you had of this person turned out to be wrong.

This is the same effect with god, but in this case, the god idea changes gradually over many years, co-incidentally, as our science improves.

This is proof that people’s idea of god, is often not big enough, because they need to keep moving the goal posts, very reluctantly at times, because science has yet again, explained something that was traditionally explained by the believer as being done by god, because only a god could explain this fantastical fantastic thing, right? well, that was WRONG!! which means that the believer was so small minded about their god, that when another human concept came along, it was ABLE TO DISPLACE the believer’s notion of god.

In fact, the whole reason for the dark ages, was because the church wanted what we knew of the universe to actually stay as “god did it”, eg. they wanted it to stay in line with what was written a thousand years before.

Anyone still trying to get science out of the bible, is deliberately trying to perpetuate the dark ages. Using things written a thousand years ago by people who knew nothing of how science works, is *not* science, because eventually old ideas are completely thrown away, and quite frankly, the bible was not much of a starting point in terms of “science”, and to clutch onto a symbol of a previous time as being some sort of thing that it isn’t, well that’s idolatry too, isn’t it?

god is god, there is nothing that could “defeat” it, and yet, we still have people getting upset when told that god didn’t do this, and that god didn’t do that, and that god doesn’t exist .. boo frikking hooo ..

how is that possible? the only way god can be defeated, is if this god that is in your mind, is a shoddy pathetic example of “god”, because if your god can be defeated, then your god was never big enough to be worthy of being called god in the first place.. this is proof of idolatry, as your idea of god, was too small, and how can god be too small unless *you* were worshipping the *WRONG* god?

if your idea of god is too small, then you’re idea of god is not the same as the “real” god, because the “real” god could *never* be defeated by the opinion of some scientist guy.

this is why supernatural beliefs are supposed to be personal things, because you should expect them to be challenged for being too small if you must insist on stating those beliefs in public.

someone who truly believed in the awesome nature of god, would realise that “making the universe”, would be a small and petty task for a god anyway, so one should not be disappointed when told that their god didn’t make the universe, as it was a trivial task for a “god” in the first place.

how about god made existence itself? that’s a metaphorically vague task for god to have done that can’t be defeated by science, or how about god made “the nothing” that became the something that we are familiar with if you want to be “specific”?

any true believe in god, would not even have thought up the concept of a being called “god” in the first place, god would then just be part of what *is*, and you would not think about it at all…. like gravity, you don’t believe in gravity, do you?? does believing in gravity make it work, does it? you would just accept it as being there as part of what *is*, if nobody mentioned “gravity” you most likely would never have thought to identify this downward motion gravity thing, *as* a downward motion, because it would be normal, it would be all that you knew, it would be part of your very existence, so much so it wouldn’t even have a name, at least until someone taught you about it

god should be the same, you should just believe in god, and leave it at that, giving it any quality, is bound to wrong, so is therefore likely to be idolatry, and for people so fracking worried about going to hell, you probably want to stop committing idolatry every day.

Posted 13 September, 2010 by manabrau in astronomy, Christianity, dumbasses, god, jesus, Religion Sux Arse, WP

Stop spreading the News (christianity flaws #2)   Leave a comment

We heard you the *FIRST* thousand times
and haven’t you done enough damage as it is?

another in the series of fundamental flaws I have identified with christians following their christianity ….

*Jesus* did not *insist* that you follow his way – and he certainly did not teach that “practising” christians annoyingly insist that the “good” news be spread!

remember that parable where the rich dude had to give up his money in order to get into heaven? (the one where he says it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven, thankfully i don’t know what that verse is by heart)

Did Jesus insist that the rich dude do that?

No, he did not, that rich dude had to come to that all by himself. Jesus *let*him*be* when he saw that the rich guy didn’t like the sound of what Jesus was proposing.

If Jesus had of insisted right then and there that the rich guy follow his way, he most likely would have put him off following “the way” (“The Way” is apparently what Jesus’ teachings were called before they were hi-jacked by “christianity”, so I’ve heard/read)

Jesus was probably cluey enough to know that there was no point in insisting to the rich dude to follow his teachings, as Jesus probably knew that people would *only* live by his teachings if they came to that decision by themselves, because if they didn’t come to it by themselves, then there would have been no point because only *you* can only change *your* beliefs

However, if someone *can* change your beliefs, it’s because you are a *sheep* and you are following because you want to fit in and get this eternal life or whatever bullshit it is and you do that without coming to an understanding the teachings by yourself. ie. you are only telling yourself that you believe, you’re not actually believing

In other words….

you can not wander up to me in the street say a few words and have me believe

you can not force people to believe

you can not legislate that people believe

you can not threaten people with violence to make them believe.

you can not beat the shit out of people to make them believe

you can not even kill someone’s family to make them believe

you can not send me a message on some social network and tell me that I need to believe, thereby making me believe

in short: you can not go around telling people about your fantasy stories (thus relieving yourself of any responsibility of actually *following* what you have allegedly been taught) and have them believe!!!

In fact, the more violence, insults, insistence and the more annoyance you perpetuate while trying to spread the “good news”, the more likely you are to destroy any inkling of a chance that this person will have a gander at this “christianity” thing you keep blabbering about to see what it entails.

that means you, Mr and Mrs and Ms christian annoyists!! You are *putting* people off your religion!!

And the fact of the matter is that pretty much everyone in a “western” society has heard of Jesus, so there should be no need to spread the word at all, so if you really *do* want to spread the “good news”, then your first stop should be Mecca.

Muslims need the teachings of Jesus way more than any non-believer that I can remember does.

So stop spreading the word to us “Westerners” and get on your bike and get your butt to Saudi Arabia, and let’s see how they like the “good news” … go on… git goin’ …

I’m serious .. and I’m talking about the positive messages in the bible, none of the hatred filled stuff … if you filter out the “do nots” and only follow the “do”s, you’ll do much better.

but are people that dumb that they need to “spread the news” when it takes just as long for them to say “praaaaayyzzzz Jaaaayyyyyzuuuuusss” or try to preach at me in some way, as it does for them to calmly and actually say or actually “do unto others” ??

what’s that about?

I *really* want to know how, in what must be millions of people, perhaps even hundreds of millions, *how* does that happen, is a materials thing? ie. have we become so accustomed to the whole process of getting something; using it up; chucking it away; getting a new one; that this is how we “westerners” treat people and our beliefs themselves?

It’s for this exact reason that I can’t call myself christian, because other people call themselves “christian” but then not follow it in the fucking least, and *then* they get offended at you for your calling them out on their idiocy.

I see the very good reason for separation of church and state in *many* people online – that’s scary – they don’t know what they are asking for!! All these people who pine for the ten commandments as the “law of the land” are extremely fucked in the head. The should try living in Iran where you have to follow the morals laid down by some holy scripture…. let’s see how much they don’t like a theocracy after actually living in one.

It is soooo pointless arguing with mental nut-case religious fanatic christians (or muslims or blah blah blah), if you can’t talk to them calmly then just forget about talking to them, I say it’s a waste of time – and you’re more likely to solidify their beliefs then to win them over…

It’s almost as if some crazy christian people just can’t be bothered to *not* be part of the christinsanity crowd as it would be too inconvenient to not be christian, so much so that some nutters need to make sure other people think the “same”.

eg. for some people, the dream is to grow up, find someone you like, get married, and live happily ever after.. but if we expand on that, some people assume that they have to have a christian wedding, so to cater for this (usually) rare event in their lifetime, they call themselves christian just to have the convenience of living the dream as it applies to them for that one event, then they go back to not giving a flying fuck about being christian at all.

I bet most people only think of being religious, when there’s a new addition to the family (baptism), getting married in a church, and then when somebody dies and they have to go to church. The only other time people are “christian” is when they fill out their census forms.

And yes I do appreciate that christians are few and far between that actually insist on talking about their beliefs in the context of trying to preach to me…

It’s a shame people in general are so brutally quick to find offence when they are on the internet — because given how badly these apparent christians attempt to “spread the news”, uhmmm… well, it’s pretty fucking funny or offensive given the context of the insult to humanity….

If you are a christian, and maybe I should have put this at the start of the blog, then you are *supposed* to spread the news by showing everybody the good deeds you do in your everyday life, and you are to do that without making a big deal out of it

Because, you see, when everybody treats everybody like that, then that’s when we’ll have world peace…. has anyone actually thought about what “world peace” would be like?

perhaps they have and it’s just too much effort to be nice to other people, or maybe it would be no fun if people were nice to everyone?

Frank Sinatra sang about spreading the news too, it was a much catchier tune as opposed to being told that I *had* to do something, just because some busy body wandered up to me or saw my heathen arse on the Internet and decided that I needed to be told about Jesus…